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Главная » 2014 » Январь » 14 » Altium Designer 13.1.2 Build 27559 - Portable and Installable Edition (2013)

Altium Designer 13.1.2 Build 27559 - Portable and Installable Edition (2013)


Altium Designer представляет собой пакет программного обеспечения для САПР конструкций печатных монтажных плат. Он разработан и продается компанией Altium Limited of Australia.

This file contains:
- Altium Designer 13 Installable + Aditional libraries
- Altium Designer 13 Portable version: The installable version has been portabilized with ThinApp. No install needed, no administrative rights needed, just copy the files to any drive / folder and use it.
- Altium Designer 13 - Examples
- Altium Designer 13 - Docs

What is Altium Designer?
- Schematic capture module provides electronics circuit editing functionality, including:
* Component library management.
* Schematic document editing (component placement, connectivity editing and design rules definition).
* Integration with several component distributors allows search for components and access to manufacturer's data.
* SPICE mixed-signal circuit simulation.
* Netlist export.

- Printed circuit board (PCB) design module of Altium designer allows:
* Component footprint library management.
* Component placement.
* Manual trace routing, with support for differential pairs and pin-swapping.
* Automatic trace routing.
* Interactive 3D view of the board.
* Signal integrity analysis.
* Manufacturing files generation with support for Gerber and ODB++ formats.

- FPGA development tools integrated into Altium designer provide the following capabilities:
* FPGA and schematics design synchronization.
* VHDL simulation and debugging.
* FPGA soft processor software development tools (compiler, debugger, profiler) for several embedded processors.

1) Copy the .EXE and .DAT files to any drive / folder (HDD, DVD, USB Pen Drive ...)
2) Execute "Altium Designer 13.exe"
3) Enjoy!!

The examples files are compressed in the "Altium Designer 13 - Examples.rar" file.
The documentation in PDF format are compressed in the "Altium Designer 13 - Docs.rar" file.
You can delete these files if you don't need the examples and docs to save disk space.

Delete saved options, history, restore defaults settings, etc
1) Just erase this folder, the custom setup are stored here:

C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Thinstall/Altium Designer 13/

This folder are recreated every time you run Altium.

1) Erase all files / folder copied during install
2) Erase the folder: C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Thinstall/Altium Designer 13

Год: 2013
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 4.66 GB

Скачать Altium Designer 13.1.2 Build 27559 - Portable and Installable Edition (2013)

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